For many students, the passages that come with Phonic Boost are just a little too difficult. Really Great Reading offer an alternative set of passages for these students. This book includes 40 passages with an easier reading level than Phonics Boost, yet integrates perfectly with Phonics Boost instruction and can be used to replace the existing Boost passages.
Timed repeated readings should be done using books or passages the student has read before that are at an independent reading level (i.e. books the student can read with 95% accuracy or above). Most timed repeated reading sessions should include 3-4 re-readings of the same text.
Passages 2 Teachers Book Pdf Free 40
I'm sorry that you don't understand the importance of being able to recognize words. While I do agree that students must be able to read for comprehension purposes, the purpose of this exercise is simply to help the students recognize the words. As the students progress through the "easier" material teachers are giving them harder and harder passages to read. It makes me sad that you choose to criticize teachers for using techniques that have been proven to improve students reading fluency.
RIF's newest literacy resource is a collection of leveled reading passages for each grade, all with original content and illustrations. The passages are designed to extend student learning after reading specific books, but may also be used independently of ouside books. Each passage relates in some way to the book's themes, concepts, characters, settings, or subject matter. There are three levels for every passage. Each passage's Lexile measurement targets readers at the Beginning of Year (Easy), Middle of Year (Medium), or End of Year (Hard). The passages are meant to be used as independent-level texts that students can read on their own with minimal support. Use the Lexile measures to help you determine which level is right for each student. Print or download the passages as a supplementary, independent reading activity to help students develop reading fluency. The three stars on each page indicate the level of reading passage: Easy, Medium, or Hard.
In English, state standards typically include skills such as learning how to use a library and select appropriate books, give an oral presentation, use multiple sources of information to research a question and prepare a written argument, or write a letter to the editor in response to a newspaper article. However, these standards are not generally tested, and teachers evaluated by student scores on standardized tests have little incentive to develop student skills in these areas.45
The first step is simply to do a ton of practice. If you're studying from free materials or from books, you have access to a lot of practice questions in bulk. As part of our PrepScholar program, we have over 7,000 SAT questions customized to each skill.
N. B. : macrons are used below only in the English-to-Latin Practice and Review Sentences; macrons for all other Latinsentences and passages appear in the textbook itself. Parentheses ( ) are used within the English translations for wordsthat are supplied (other than articles and possessives) as well as for alternate, usually more idiomatic renderings;square brackets [ ] indicate words that can be omitted for more natural English idiom. Parentheses in the Latintranslations from English indicate some alternate options. Further notes on the sentences and passages for translationwill be added from time to time; check back periodically and note the revision date included above.